Bibliographic information:
ISBN: 9781913724450
Paperback • 136pp • £7.99
129 mm x 198 mm
29 September 2021

Territory: World English

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New Beginnings

When the Morning Comes: Poems For a New Day

Various poets

More information about the project



ISBN: 9781913724450




New Beginnings is a poetry collection with a difference – resulting from an international competition seeking to find those whose voices were silenced in 2020, the resulting anthology forms a celebration of the end of the toxic aspects of 2020 and the pandemic, a glimmer of hope for the future and a manifesto for change.

Featuring poetry by: Sora Li Anders, Lucy Beckley, Heinrich Beindorf, Martin Bennett, Nisha Bhakoo, David Bottomley, Allie Bullivant, Priyanka Kelly Burns, Laura Chouette, Rose Cook, Anna Dallaire, Ella Dane-Liebesny, Ieva Dapkevicius, Catherine Edmunds, Molly J. Evans, Voirrey Faragher, William Foster, John Gallas, Rosie Gliddon, Martha Grogan, David Hensley, Ellie Herda-Grimwood, Peter Hill, Simon Jackson, J.L. James, Jessica Johnson, Jasmine Kaur, Kathryn Louise Knight, Lizzy Lister, Karin Molde, Charlotte Murray, Ngoi Hui Chien, Jenna Pashley Smith, Elisabeth-Rae Reynolds, Heather Rodgers, C.M. Rosier, Hannah Ross, Kay Saunders, Melissa Sia, Alyson Smith, Sophie Sparham, Lynne Taylor, Christian Ward and Oyinmiebi Youdeowei.

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