Bibliographic information:
ISBN: 9781804470725
Paperback • 88pp • £5
110 mm x 178 mm
6 October 2023
Territory: World English

Love and Freindship

Jane Austen

With an introduction by G.K. Chesterton



ISBN: 9781804470725




Jane Austen, one of the nation’s most beloved authors, whose face adorns our currency, surely needs no introduction, but while many are familiar with her groundbreaking novels, and despite lending its name to a film adaptation of Lady Susan in 2016, her burlesque Love and Freindship is an unjustly neglected gem of satirical comedy.

Written when she was still in her teens, Love and Freindship is a fascinating, light-hearted epistolary work that shows Austen’s wit developing into the satirical prowess she is remembered for, and casts the novels with which her name is so associated in a new light.

Jane Austen

Jane Austen (1775–1817) is one of the best known English novelists of all time. She is best remembered today for her novels critiquing the upper classes, in particular Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park and Emma. Like most female writers of her era, Austen published her works anonymously, and it was only after her death that her name was set to her works.